Flower Planting Guide for Southern California



Acroclinium, African daisy (Cape marigold), Alyssum, Aster, Baby’s breath (Gysophila), Bachelor Button (Cornflower), Balloon Flower, Bellflower, Bells of Ireland, Blanket Flower, Calendula (Pot Marigold), Candytuft, Carnation, Chinese Forget-me-not, Convolvulus, Coreopsis, Cosmos, Cup and Saucer Vine, Dahlia, Floss Flower, Forget-me-not, Four O’Clock, Gazania, Gloriosa Daisy (Rudbeckia), Hollyhock, Impatiens, Larkspur (Delphinium), Lavendar, Lobella, Love-in-a-mist, Lupine, Marigold, Mexican Sunflower, Mexican Tulip Poppy, Morning Glory, Moss Rose, Nasturtium, Nicotiana, Painted Tongue, Passion Vine, Periwinkle (Myrtle), Petunia, Phlox, Pincushion flower, Pink (Dianthus), Sage, Statice, Stock, Sunflower, Strawflower, Sweet Pea, Sweet Sultan, Sweet William, Thrift (Sea Pink), Thunbergia, Toadflax, Verbena, Viola, Wallflower, Wishbone Flower, Zinnia, Wildflower

Summer-blooming bulbs, corms and tubers to PLANT IN SPRING

acidanthera, agapanthus, tuberous begonias, caladiums, calla lilies, canna lilies, dahlias, gladiolus, hemerocal-lis, tuberous iris, ixias, tigridias, tuberroses, watsonias


African daisy (Cape marigold), Bachelor Button (Cornflower), California Poppy, Chysanthemum, Cockscomb, Coleus, Columbine, Cosmos, Flax, Larkspur (Delphinium), Marigold, Money Plant, Morning Glory, Moss Rose, Nasturtium, Painted Tongue, Phlox, Snapdragon, Wallflower, Zinnia,

Fall (in warm regions)

acroclinium, African daisy (Cape marigold), Alyssum, Bachelor Button (Cornflower), Blazing Star, Butterfly flower, Calendula (Pot Marigold), California Desert Bluebells, California Poppy, Candytuft, Carnation, Columbine, Dahlia, Flax, Foxglove, Godetia (Clarkia), Ipomopsis, Larkspur (Delphinium), Lupine, Nemesia, Nemophila, Pansy, Petunia, Phlox, Pincushion flower, Pink (Dianthus), Poppy, Primrose, Queen Anne’s Lace, Snapdragon, Stock, Sweet Pea, Toadflax, Verbena, Viola, Wallflower, California Natives, Shrubs & Trees, Wildflower, Roses

Spring-blooming bulbs, corms and tubers to PLANT IN FALL

Allium, Amaryllis, Anemone, Babiana, Chionodoxa, Crocus, Freesia, Galanthus, Hyacinthus, Iris, Leucojum, Muscari, Narcissus, Puschkinia, Ranunculus, Scilla, Scilla, Sparaxis, Tulip, Watsonia

Winter (in warm regions)

African daisy (Cape marigold), Alyssum, Baby’s breath (Gysophila), Bachelor Button (Cornflower), Blazing Star, Butterfly fower, Calendula (Pot Marigold), California Desert Bluebells, California Poppy, Candytuft, Carnation, Chinese Houses, Columbine, Cup and Saucer Vine, Flax, Foxglove, Godetia (Clarkia), Ipomopsis, Larkspur (Delphinium), Lupine, Nemesia, Nemophila, Petunia, Phlox, Pincushion flower, Pink (Dianthus), Poppy, Queen Anne’s Lace, Snapdragon, Sweet Pea, Sweet Sultan, Sweet William, Toadflax, Verbena, Viola, Wallflower, Wildflower, Roses


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(This is only a guide. Planting may vary by climate. Check the USDA Hardiness Zone Finder to learn more about your climate).

See the “Detailed Flower Planting Guide” for more specific growing months.

Gardeners need a way to compare their garden climates with the climate where a plant is known to grow well. That’s why climate zone maps were created. Zone maps are tools that show where various permanent landscape plants can adapt. If you want a shrub, perennial, or tree to survive and grow year after year, the plant must tolerate year-round conditions in your area, such as the lowest and highest temperatures and the amount and distribution of rainfall

See the “Detailed Flower Planting Guide” for more specific growing months.

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